Guillemot Cameras


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New Guillemot Camera

Black guillemot (cepphus grylle) calling while sitting in a wall that a pair are nesting in. Black guillemots nest in drains and holes in the sea wall in the middle of oban town centre. Argyll, scotla - guillemot. New Guillemot Camera. By lucyalex Comments Off on New Guillemot Camera. Over the last few years the Friends of Berry Head have been raising money for a new camera mounted on the cliffs pointed at the guillemot.

Guillemot Cameras

Guillemot Cameras Reviews


Guillemot Cameras Amazon

Over the last few years the Friends of Berry Head have been raising money for a new camera mounted on the cliffs pointed at the guillemot colony. You may have been involved and made donations via our Easter Egg and Halloween hunts, the book sales in the lobby and the summer dog shows. Thanks for your donations!

Guillemot Cameras For Sale

At last enough money has been raised! The Friends group recently donated £2,100 to the Trust which, along with funding from the Trust and other organisations, gave enough funds to buy a smart new HD camera. One of the Friends, Peter Brown, then abseiled down the cliff and installed it. The camera is now beaming incredibly high-quality footage of our guillemots onto the TV screen in the visitor centre. Come and see it!